
Supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.
We aim to become a leading provider of environmental products to support our clients as they move to more sustainable commodities, whether it is carbon credits; renewable power; biofuels; lower carbon, recycled metals; or low impact agricultural products that support the environment and local communities.

Supporting the transition to a low carbon economy

We aim to become a leading provider of environmental products to support our clients as they move to more sustainable commodities, whether it is carbon credits; renewable power; biofuels; lower carbon, recycled metals; or low impact agricultural products that support the environment and local communities.

We are one of the first organisations to adopt The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting. The principles set out best practice approaches to carbon offsetting and sequestration. They are built into our programmes with OxCarbon, Kumi Analytics and The Global Mangrove Trust.

Reducing our carbon footprint to net zero

We aim to reduce our own operational emissions and offset unavoidable emissions via credible sources, working towards net zero.

Operationally, our facilities teams make changes to reduce our carbon footprint in each of our physical locations. Examples include switching to LED bulbs, improving recycling facilities and partnering with local initiatives to reduce use of disposable and single use plastics.

Marex Market — Environmental

Marex is expanding its market focus in energy, agriculture and circular economy sectors.

We are one of the longest established brokers of Renewable Energy Certificates and biofuels, we also provide consultancy services.

Our metals division includes recycled metal specialists.

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