Marex Spectron announces name change to Marex

March 30, 2021

From 31 March 2021 Marex Spectron is shortening its name to Marex.

The Marex Spectron name dates back to 2011, when Marex acquired Spectron, the OTC energy broker. Since then, the business has vastly increased in scale, scope and headcount, with multiple new offerings and business lines.

The company believes that by simplifying the name to Marex and introducing a new logo is a clearer reflection of today’s wider business mix.

This change has no bearing on the company’s legal registered entities which remain unchanged. Subsidiary companies will all retain their existing brand names, whilst the Spectron brand continues within the energy brokerage division.

In connection with the change of name, the firm will also be launching a new website in early April which will be available at